About Us

Our Team

Founded in 2002, Akron's English Equestrian Team currently trains out of Stoney Ridge Stables in Wadsworth, OH, conveniently located just 20 minutes from campus. Our team competes through IHSA in Zone 6 Region 1 along with several other schools. We encourage riders with all levels of experience to join. The only requirements for becoming a member is to be a University of Akron student and to have an interest in riding horses. 

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Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA)

 IHSA offers college students an opportunity to compete individually and as a team without the need of owning a horse. Designed for riders with various levels of experience, divisions are as follow: Introductory, Pre-Novice, Novice, Limit, Intermediate, and Open. Individually, riders accumulate points by placing in their classes at shows and can earn the opportunity to qualify for Regional, Zone, Semi-final competitions and ultimately the IHSA National Championship. Similarly, teams compete for postseason opportunities, seeking to qualify for IHSA National Championship. 

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Facebook: @UAEnglishTeam

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