Frequently Asked Questions

What time of year does show season run?

Our typical show season runs from October to November during fall semester and February to March in the spring semester. In the off season, our team members like to continue lessoning with our coach as well as competing at other shows in Ohio!

What are the requirements to compete?

We ask that our competing members take a minimum 3 lessons with our coach per show season month. Fundraising is also something we ask of each member, showing or not.

How does showing work?

In IHSA, we ride horses provided by the college/university that is hosting the show. To even the playing field, a horse in the division you are competing in will be drawn for you at random. You are unable to school (warm up) the horse, a non-competing rider from the hosting school will at the beginning of the show. 

Is previous riding experience required to join the team?

No! Riders of all levels are welcome and needed. Show classes and lessons will cater to your skill level and everyone's points are all equally as important. There are also no tryouts.

Do I need my own horse or equipment to participate?

You do not! We are lucky enough to have 15+ lesson horses to train off of based at our home barn, Stoney Ridge Stables. The horses (and ponies) range from walk/trot teachers to hunter/jumper veterans and will teach you something new every ride. The barn also provides all the necessary tack needed to ride and even has extra helmets to use if you don't already have one. Required for lessons: pants and shoes with a heel.

Is showing mandatory?

Showing and lessoning is totally at each rider's discretion. Whether you choose to compete at every show or just travel and cheer on the team, we would love to have you!

How much does it cost to participate?

The more you fundraise with us, the less you have to spend out of pocket. Many of our members last year only paid for lessons because everything else was covered by their fundraising. If you are hesitant due to cost, we will always try make sure you have the chance to ride as long as you are supporting our team right back with fundraising opportunities. 

How do I join the team and what is required?

To join our team, just send an email through the "Contact Us" page and we will get back to you shortly! Our correspondence will answer any questions you may have and get you started with the required paperwork and registrations.

The only requirements to the team are to be a full-time student at UA (a Co-Op will fulfill this requirement) and have a minimum GPA of 2.0.

Where can I get show attire?

We are lucky to have many local tack stores that are able to help you pick out clothes that fit you well such as:

  • Big Dees (Streetsboro)

  • Clipity Clop (Brecksville)

  • Chagrin Saddlery (Chagrin Falls)

  • Schnieders Saddlery (Chagrin Falls)

  • Equine Essentials (recently moved from Avon Lake to Brunswick) 

  • Consignment Shops- Equine Essentials and Chagrin Saddlery.

We recommend not to order show attire online unless you are fitted in a store first or sure of your size.

Helmets must be SEI Approved. Please do not buy used. 

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